Sunday, December 28, 2008

Politicians and CEOS aren't American Royalty

Bankruptcy is the only choice for these 'greedy, non-caring, lack of common
knowledge, high-dollar fat cats' as without re-organizing, backing up and
thinking for a change, their disasters will put America into Bankruptcy! Then what happens to America’s future?
Government, on all levels, must run like a private business, eliminating jobs, cutting salaries and freebies, or our children won't have a future!
Bailouts shouldn't be an option for Freddie, Fannie, AIG, Big 3 or anyone else taking Taxpayers’ money! They don’t seem to get it! AIG, two weeks after it received $85 billion in bailout money, senior executives take a $440,000.00 resort trip. CEO is now taking a $1 a year salary! Yeah right? He insists on providing $400 million in "retention" bonuses for 2,000 in upper management. On average, that’s a $200,000.00 present! These CEOS, their 'fat cat executives' and anyone else on the take in politics and corporations, were never around 'taking care of business!' Come to think of it, their lack of common knowledge, greed, and I don't care attitude, helped promote Nafta and Cafta which wound up eliminatating millions of American jobs! Even to a dummy, this would mean "It's time to cut production on automobiles, stop building houses, as people no longer have jobs to pay for food, let alone anything else! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out!
Taxpayers will give politicians, CEOS, and the other fat cats a couple choices "A one-way ticket across the ocean with only the clothes on their backs, as their bank accounts, homes, cars, airplanes, and anything else of value belongs to Taxpayers and must be used to pay off trillions of dollars of debt they've trying to stick Taxpayers with!" OR, as a recent cartoon stated, put them all in state jails (not federal country clubs) and throw away the keys!
While I’m on a roll,"Why would these high-dollar criminals think they're Royalty?" You can't make a 'Silk Purse' from a 'Pig's Ear'! They’re not as good as the ones the court system, puts in state jails, daily, for robberies, forgeries, and fraud!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Barack Obama our 44th President

Barack Obama will soon become the 44th President! He’s well-educated, well-dressed, and an articulate speaker! He’s certainly not the ‘mutt’ he calls himself, even as a joke, when talking about the new dog for his daughters.
Americans, of all races, voted for change! People making statements ‘I voted for Obama because blacks have been at bottom of totem pole too long, and he’s vindicated us!’ First of all, Mr. Obama is as much white as he’s black! You put yourself on the bottom because of your lifestyle! Not working, living off social, welfare programs, and having too many illegitimates is your choice!
Barack Obama is inheriting a 1960's depressed economy that’s trickled down to taxpayers! Government must run like a business, if not, our children and grandchildren will have absolutely no future! Permanent cuts are critical! Cut salaries for politicians! Absolutely no bailouts or handouts!
Freddie, Fannie, AIG, and Big 3 should file Bankruptcy! If these high-dollar thieves really believe they’ll succeed, go to bank, borrow the money. Maybe they’ll learn how to run a successful company! Bankruptcy might teach them to cut extragavant lifestyles and their exorbitant salaries!
The average person is making less than $25.00/hr. Union’s average up to $100.00/hr. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what went wrong in corporate world?
Taxpayers feel Barack Obama will stick to his words "to cut programs until America is free of debt." Top priority should be ‘Fair Tax’ and making sure it includes property tax. Every person must pay their fair share.
While I’m on a roll, why should we treat the illegitimate population with the best of homes, clothes, schools, insurance, food, tvs, just to name a few things? Isn’t this being unfair to our Military fighting for America! Something’s definitely wrong with this picture!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Say "NO" to on-the-job training for Obama


If you love America, Vote for John McCain! His military background,courage, character, integrity, honesty and common sense should tell you he’s the one that should be President!
Obama has no concept of what it takes to run a business, let alone our Country! America doesn’t have time to give Obama on the job training, let alone ‘try’ to help him figure out what it takes to make America prosper! Obama isn’t a beacon of hope! Obama is another disaster waiting to happen! He’s never been in military, has no concept of military and wars and thinks by sitting down with the terrorists, who wants to kill Americans, to discuss his ‘plans to stop the wars’ that he’ll create some sort of understanding. This would be the way to bring about another 9/11! Next time it might be worldwide!
Taxpayers, of all races, have lost respect for Democrats who’ve done nothing constructive! The ‘bailout’ of Fannie, Freddie, and AIG put the final icing on the cake for bankrupting America. The disaster started in 1977! Taxpayers have a right to blame Carter, Clinton and the ‘Tax & Spenders’ who’ve borrowed trillions from foreign countries thus putting Americans further at risk. Let’s not forget about ‘Nafta’ and ‘Cafta’ and the shifting of America’s jobs overseas!
Taxpayers have been reading about this ‘new movement and more informed voters these people call themselves’. If you think school loans, insurance, social and welfare benefits are going to be a free ride from Obama, let me be the first to burst your bubble. Obama’s pockets are deeper than McCains! So guess which candidate will help you? Time’s up! WON’T BE OBAMA! Millions of dollars just sent to Chicago and you want Taxpayers to believe that you’re more informed?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Obama's not qualified to be President

The makings of a great person is character, intregrity, principles, courage, honesty, common sense, and a clear conscience! This most definitely applies to being President!
Obama’s hype, charisma, and inexperience doesn’t make a Senator let alone President! Obama’s never been in military, has no concept of military and wars! He thinks by sitting down with the terrorists, who wants to kill Americans, and discuss his ‘plans to stop the wars’ that he’ll create some sort of understanding. Taxpayers know this is the quickest way to bring about another 9/11, except this time it’ll be world wide!
September 11th must be on your mind when you vote! It’ll be on all minds of Military personnel, as they’re fighting to keep Americans safe.
Does anyone really know Obama? Why would Obama choose to be friends with William Ayers, Tony Rekzo, and Rev. Wright, just to name a few. There’s no way Obama could have been in TUCC for twenty years and have different views of America anymore than Rev. Wright! TUCC website has changed! You must read old and new ones. Remember, Leopard’s don’t change their spots?
If you think Senator Obama is going to fix America’s problems, why hasn’t he already done so?
Taxpayers, of all races, have a right to blame Carter and Clinton, for Fannie, Freddie, AIG, and the trillions owed to foreign countries. Democrats had control of White House and Congress. Current disaster, started in 1977 and has trickled down to 2008! "A lot of the politicians had their ‘hands in this cookie jar’. Some of them warned Congress what was happening, but, as usual, it fell on deaf ears.
For the life of me, I don’t understand how someone can spend twelve months on a job, year after year, and not know what’s going on?
Wake up, America!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Politicians should pay for Bailouts not Taxpayers

Clinton, his admiminstration and greed, got America into this Wall Street mess. Obama is now trying to dig the final grave for Americans as Chicago is millions behind and he’s looking for Taxpayers to 'fix' this. Could this be why Obama insists on the 'debates' and his 'hyped up' speeches? Think of the money that could and should be saved for America’s future!
America, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee, while you can afford to buy it!
Priority should be 'Fair Tax' and include 'PROPERTY TAXES'! This is the only way to end the 'Tax & Spend' politicians on every level of government!
Taxpayers are fed up and aren't going to bailout Wall Street, AIG, Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac? It's time to 'shut down and hunt down' the CEO's, the politicians who backed such schemes, and the big money hounds of the insurance industry, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac! Politicians are absolutely responsible for the bankruptcy of these organizations and the layoffs of American jobs! If these 'so-called pillows of the community' don't pay off this $700 billion, with their own monies, plus the other trillions of dollars they've created, then there's bigger reasons for Taxpayers to investigate, immediately, what's really going on!
Since politicians have so much time on their hands to make bad decisions that’s cost America everything, it’s time they’re put on notice that ‘their position’ is now limited to one (1) month a year'. Of course, this means a maximum salary of $12,000.00 yearly. No more freebies, no raises, or extras, since these 'positions' were supposed to be 'as public servants', instead of a lifetime of taking Taxpayers money you haven't earned. Come to think of it, politicians never served the Taxpayers only themselves!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


September 11, 2001, apparently, didn’t wake all Americans up from their ‘slumber party’?
From the time Barack Obama, who never served in military, lacks credibility, knowledge, and experience, was sworn in as Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential committee, he’d logged in only 143 days! You cannot get a job at McDonalds and become Manager in 143 days; you cannot become a Colonel in military in 143 days; you cannot become a news anchor in only 143 days, but Obama thinks he deserves to be Commander in Chief, Leader of the Free World! Give me a break!
Obama’s televised town meetings, showing his resentment, anger, hate, and his usual statements, ‘Americans are Stupid’, ‘Gun Toters’, ‘I’ll bring the troops home early’ and the rest of his usual ‘hype’ is only going to allow more terrorists to strike on American soil!
It’s a insult to hard-working Taxpayers to think politicians have created such a disaster on American soil! Trillions of dollars in debt, made by ‘Tax & Spend’ politicians, it’s obvious America has to change. Taxpayers feel the following would be the only ‘changes’ needed to save America is to start by cutting local, state, and federal politicians time, salary, and freebies to one (1) month a year, eliminate public schools, ‘so-called’ educational programs, social and welfare programs, non-profit organizations, and eliminate many other unnecessary programs that takes money from taxpaying families making it hard for them to live!
By the way, where’s Obama and his ‘tax and spend buddies’ going to get all the money for a health care system and his other ‘hair-brained schemes’ since approximately 20% of older Taxpayers are retired, 40% are working paying taxes while the other 40% lives off social and welfare programs now?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We the People...For the People

"We the People-For the People" will work, once again, if we elect Gov. Sarah Palin! It was refreshing to see and hear Gov. Palin as she accepted the roll of Vice-President! Her qualifications and background far exceed anyone that’s running for public office! Just think, she didn’t have to spend several million dollars to get elected! It certainly shows the hard-working Taxpayers that you can get elected, honestly, without the ‘show and tell’ hype being put out the past several months!
Gov. Palin’s a firm believer that the money belongs to Taxpayers and not to special interest groups, social and welfare programs! What a refreshing concept! Let’s hope she and John McCain won’t forget it’s time to reduce the government payroll, by trillions of dollars, eliminate all social and welfare programs, and start running this country like a private business, cutting salaries, positions, and putting the politicians on notice that they’re only needed one month a year!
This election shouldn’t be about male, female, black , white, Democrat or Republican, it should be about who’s going to do the best job for the future of America. Taxpayers shouldn’t be responsible for trillions of dollars, since it’s a debt politicians made on their own and, most definitely, not in the best interest of America!
Let’s not forget for a minute that America needs a Military man like John McCain! Remember, experience far exceeds ‘hype’! I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up with hype!
It’s an insult toTaxpayers to think that some of the seasoned politicians think we should give the Osama Bin Ladens, murderers, rapists, and terrorists a nice warm bed, food, medical treatment, re-build their country and try to teach them ‘not to be terrorists’ is more than we can fathom!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Time for Taxpayers to Take back America

TIME FOR TAXPAYERS TO TAKE BACK AMERICA AND CREATE 'FAIR TAX' AND 'CHANGE VOTING LAWS! Discrimination against the hard-working Taxpayers has been going on much too long!
Too much trust has been placed in the so-called "political leaders" and this isn’t in the best interest of America, the economy, nor the safety of your family. What a drastic and huge mistake Taxpayers have made.
Folks, it's not politicians or their families getting robbed, mugged, raped, beaten, or murdered! It's Taxpayers! Since the 1960's, America has spiraled downward by social and welfare programs. These programs have and are continuing to create more illegitimates, mental problems, drug issues, and the possibility the illegitimates are sleeping with their own blood relative. Where's the future in this? Taxpayers shouldn't be paying for lawyers, jails, prisons, food, hospitals, or anything else, for people that don't work and live off the system. Could this be why drugs, stealing, killing and rapes have been on the rise for several decades?
I'm quoting from an article by Leonard Pitts "Little has changed ten (10) years after the Million Man March! More than 65% of our children are born out of wedlock! I know what's needed to fix our communities requires no white person's consent!" For decades, illegitimates have been put into society with no home training, values, morals, principles, or discipline, and absolutely no regard for human life!
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that welfare and social organizations aren't working!
Time to get back to ‘common sense!’

'Fair Tax' & 'Changing Voting Laws'

"FAIR TAX" AND "CHANGING VOTING LAWS" should be top Priority for 2008! This is Taxpayers, of all races and party affiliations, solutions to eliminating property taxes, public schools, pet projects, and non-profit organizations. With Americans paying the same taxes, there would be no more Discrimination.
"Fair Tax", payable two to five percent, would give Taxpayers money to catch up on their own house payments, their own insurance, their automobiles, and be able to pay for the gas to drive to work and back. Our children and grandchildren don’t stand a chance if we don’t start taking responsibility for ourselves.
Certain politicians continue to ‘stretch the truth about their change for America’. They should admit the only change will be $.02 from our hard-earned dollar, thus giving government $.98 so they can finish bankrupting Taxpayers!
Latest news "House approves Foreclosure Bill"! Government seeks to burden Taxpayers, once again, so they can ‘bail out’ the foreclosures and mortgage companies, thus letting government agencies purchase these properties!" Hasn’t there been enough problems with Fannie Mae, FHA, HUD, and other government agencies?
This is one more reason why ‘Fair Tax’ and ‘Changing Voting Laws’ should be top priority!