Sunday, December 27, 2009


Kay Hagan (you know, the new US Senator from Greensboro that's going along
with all the 'legislation' so she, too, can get that high dollar salary and retirement), said and I QUOTE "I'd say that Harry Reid knows how to
get 60 votes, and that was very important to our country in order to move
forward with thhat legislation." "Bribing" the blood-sucking ticks (has
been done too many times) is nothing to be proud of, Ms. Hagan! Corruption
and greed is what most politicians are all about. Ms. Hagan, politicians
have accomplished absolutely nothing in several decades! Politicians have
bankrupted America, sold Americans jobs to foreign countries, for their
own best interests, borrowed trillions, without Taxpayers consent, and you
have the audacity to state this 'healthcare disaster is very important to
our country!' Taxpayers would like to know "when have you read the fine
print in anything that benefited Americans?" "Did you bother to save the
textile and manufacturing companies?" "Do you know that until textile and
manufacturing jobs are returned to America that America is doomed, and
there's absolutely no need for infrastructures, bigger government, as
there will be no one to pay Taxes, including your high-dollar salary,
retirements, and freebies?"
You see, Ms. Hagan, you're just like the rest of the 'blood-sucking ticks'
and it's obvious you'll go along with any 'DEAL MAKING PROGRAMS' the
corrupt and greedy politicians like Reid, Pelosi, Rangel, Frank, Dodd,
just to name a few, have lingered over for several decades, for job
security, and to hell with the honest, hard-working American!
Ms. Hagan, bribery is a crime and you and your politician buddies might
think you're above the law, but your time is coming and, hopefully, real
soon as America can't afford anymore ‘disastrous legislation that been around the table, repreatedly, for several decades!’
For the people who don't know what's happening to America and that one
trillion has 12 Zeros, and "a zillion is undetermined, because it is
huge", and this 'healthcare reform' that's gone on for years - job security
for politicians, bankruptcy for Taxpayers - should concern everyone!
Politicians got raises and bonuses! Taxpayers received no raise, insurance
premiums were raised! Politicians get the best of healthcare, drugs, and
insurance. Taxpayers get the leftovers; including higher insurance
premiums and even higher co-pays for their GENERIC drugs.
If you’re concerned about your children and grandchilden, you need to watch Newt Gingrich’s video. He gets paid to tell a story - the one above and below, by me, is 'FREE'!
Please watch the video below (send along to
everyone). Newt Gingrich is 'on target' with what he's saying.
Newt Gingrich gets paid to tell a story - the one above, by me is 'FREE'!
You have got to listen to this short speech by Newt Gingrich!!
Notice that no mention of political parties is made. Like him or not he tells it like it is.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cut all money politicians take from Insurance & Drug Companies

'Lying' supposedly will get politicians impeached , then why hasn't ninety-five percent of politicians been impeached! Let's sell them a one-way ticket to Gitmo, take all their assets to pay off the trillions they've borrowed without Taxpayers consent? Six decades later and America is bankrupt with these 'corrupt, greedy, lying bunch of 'blood-sucking ticks', still in office, still drawing big salaries and retirements, working on the same 'programs/ healthcare' for years. They have nothing better to do to justify the bigs bucks they steal from Taxpayers, as it's obvious none of them know what they're doing nor care. This is why their favorite saying is "I'll check on this and get back to you!" This brings another thought to Taxpayers minds, if the Insurance, Drug companies, Hospitals, and Medical professionals stop 'paying the politicians to run for office, maybe the 'Politicians License to Steal' will come to a screeching halt!
Politicians take billions from insurance, drug companies, healthcare professionals and what few businesses are left. This is why Taxpayers can't afford insurance, hospitals, let alone medications. Passing of Healthcare is another POWER GRAB and will finish bankrupting America. Fraud and bankrupting of social security, medicare and medicaid should tells folks that government run programs have never worked for Taxpayers, just for Politicians!
Insurance and Drug companies should give their insured, that's paid them big bucks for years, all their money back. Folks, the Taxpayer that's paid $200.00 to $750.00 monthly, would be entitled to several million for each person. Just think, we wouldn't need them at all! What fools we've been letting these 'blood-sucking ticks' tell us that 'Taxpayers have to spread the wealth around!' Where is politicians 'wealth they're spreading around?'
Why would politicians want to spend billions of dollars taken from insurance, drug, hospitals and the small business owners, to run for an office that pays $200,000.00+-?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Politicians are 'Takers' NOT 'Creators'

'POLITICIANS ARE TAKERS -NOT CREATORS!' THE ONLY WAY AMERICAN WORKERS WILL SURVIVE IS 'THE 'DO IT YOURSELF' WAY! READ ON!When will the American people stop trusting politicians, get off their duffs, take to their backyards, garages, basements, or spare room, and start creating clothes, furniture, toys, sell at flea markets, to neighbors, and start asking your friends and neighbors if they want to do the same!YOU'LL BE AMAZED AT WHAT YOU 'CAN DO!' GUESS WHAT, YOU CAN CREATE AMERICAN MADE GOODS AND EVENTUALLY START A SMALL COMPANY, WITHOUT GOVERNMENT. HEARTBEAT OF AMERICA WAS STARTED THIS WAY! The following article appeared in News-Record, but people are going to have to realize "Politicians are TAKERS - NOT CREATORS!''Creating jobs isn't so easy, council finds' - "City council candidates push incentives and better government! Taxpayers need to read comments by those running for local, state, and federal goverment. If making sure 'infrastructures' are in place and giving businesses more incentives is the best you can do to 'promote jobs', you're the problem, not the solution! Dell is classic of all failed infrastructures and incentives!When politicians sold America out, creating Nafta, Cafta, and foreign trade in place, they took away millions of jobs in clothing, steel and furniture!These companies were the "Heartbeat of America!" Politicians stating "America will become a Service Country"! The only thing now being serviced is unemployment, social, welfare programs, public schools, non-profits, and other unnecessary government programs that America can no longer afford!"Politicians dreaming again", if they think computers, cars and housing would be needed if there's no American manufacturing companies, putting people back to work, which produce American-made goods, selling neighbor to neighbor, thus creating stability!With trillions in debt, borrowed by politicians with very deep pockets, isn't it about time to start thinking about cutting politicians salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly? Don't you think Taxpayers have been discriminated against long enough?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Federal Deficits Soar-Local and states also soar

From 1998 until 2004, I asked the NRCC why Taxpayers couldn’t get honest answers from politicians of all affiliations. The form letters they sent in return, hand stamped, written by a staffer, made me wonder where the greedy politicians stayed all the time. It further told me that politicians had no interest in anything except their very deep pockets.
Economy never fully recovered from the 70's! Due to lack of American businesses, higher taxes, plastic cars and other overpriced consumer products, these greedy politicians should have been concentrating on America’s future. Politicians should have started cutting their salaries, retirements, taxing and spending and going over the high-dollar budgets, line by line, until everything was cut back fifty (50%) percent.
The enormous debt brought about by incompetent politicians, high salaries, retirements, social, welfare programs, and frivolous overspending should have stopped. Instead, it’s now boiled over like a run-a-way train. The only thing the greedy politicians can say is ‘I inherited this debt!’ Instead of cutting and changing what should have been done, they’re way of thinking is still ‘we’ll stimulate the economy with more bailouts and handouts’ and once the great recession ends, we’ll reduce the deficit!’ A little late, wouldn’t you say? All Economists and Taxpayers, know the politicians will never get control of the imbalances; therefore, it’s time to hand out pink slips.
I pointed out that all manufacturing jobs had to be brought back to America. We couldn’t be a ‘service country’. The only thing America is servicing is unemployment, social and welfare programs. It’s now late October 2009, and the trillions of dollars, borrowed without Taxpayers consent, is growing to the point it’s making Taxpayers think "Who’s going to own America when the interest isn’t paid?"
I further pointed out that Social Security belonged only to Taxpayers that had worked and should be their retirement! Folks, through corrupt and greedy politicians, social security has been borrowed against for illegitimates and people not wanting to work leaving nothing for the people that paid money in. Democrat and Republican Taxpayers, of all races, should be outraged by the radical and socialist proposed Healthcare. Anyone, with common sense, should have guessed that 1012 pages (unread by politicians as usual) wasn’t about Healthcare but about hidden agendas and building a bridge over the sand in the Arizona desert.
What’s really going to happen to Social Security since there’s no one working to pay into the system for future generations? Do you think the politicians are going to continue to hand you a check that you’re not entitled to?
Politicians say ‘you must volunteer and give back to your community!’ By the way, why don’t you get off your duffs and volunteer at homeless shelters and without the secret service, since this costs Taxpayers. While I’m on a roll, you could also donate eleven (11) months of your salaries and retirement benefits to Taxpayers that’s having to work two (2) jobs just to survive due to your incompetency!
By the way, Taxpayers ‘Pledge to Fight Socialized Medicine!’

Saturday, October 10, 2009

America ruined by politicians greed and corruption

Remember the song "Step out of line and they’ll come take you away!" Definitely, should apply to politicians, lobbyists, unions, CEO’s, special interests, insurance and drug companies! PACS must be dissolved! Taxpayers know these ‘blood-sucking ticks’ can’t get elected without millions from these people who’re seeking something in return!’ Taxpayers know this is corruption! Why should Taxpayers have to pay more for their insurance and medicines, just so politicians can get elected?
Several million jobs lost, and no accountability by politicians! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out politicians have been out of line! Taxpayers are willing to sell them a one-way ticket to Gitmo, which is more than they deserve, take all their assets to pay off the trillions they’ve borrowed, without Taxpayers consent, and bid them farewell!
Why should Taxpayers be held responsible for the ‘so-called agreements and the borrowing of trillions of dollars from foreign countries made by the politicians?’
Taxpayers know that all the Committees being used by politicians on local, state, and federal levels, are just a way to hide what they’re really doing! ‘Ways and Means, Ethics, Appropriations, Government Reform, Economics, Financial Services, Pensions, Rules, Finance, Education’, I think you’re getting the message! For past five decades, wouldn’t you think that with all these committees someone honest with intregrity would have stepped up to the plate and put an end to ‘corruption and greed’ in government?
‘A real joke’ - letting the crooked politicians ‘investigate one of their own!’
Someone once said "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. Under the name of "liberalism, they’ll adopt every fragment of socialist party, until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing what happened!"
Wake up, America!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Drug & Insurance money to Politicians bad for Taxpayers

One year after the Wall Street disasters, Business Owners say nothing will be the same. More businesses are going under, due to politicians’ greed. Few companies left must cut jobs, salaries, hours, and benefits! In the end, will probably close!
Doesn’t it concern you that politicians aren’t trying to bring back textile and furniture companies back? With the stroke of their high-dollar pens, they could eliminate Nafta and Cafta!
Obama doesn’t mention drug and Insurance companies are still giving billions to politicians! Shouldn’t this tell you why you can’t buy medicines and insurance? Obama wants Taxpayers to think ‘that people without healthcare will have insurance if politicians proceed with Healthcare plans, take money from the working, and ‘redistributing to the illegitimates’ - the illegitimate terrorists that Taxpayers have been made to support for decades. This shouldn’t be Americas’ responsibility! Redistributing wealth isn’t the answer! Raising taxes on highest income earners who are private business owners won’t create jobs, just finish bankrupting America! Taxpayers, of all party affiliations and races, should put an end to ‘social and welfare programs’. Constant bickering and getting someone fired isn’t answer?
Obama stated, many times-I quote ‘we’re not going to touch Social Security or Medicare, we’re going to cut waste from social and welfare programs!’ If Obama or any politician wants Taxpayers to believe this rhetoric, we have an ocean in Arizona Desert, we’ll sell them!
Obamas’ constant statements ‘the deficits he inherited’ makes Taxpayers wonder why his ‘Change you an believe in’ isn’t working for anyone except him and other politicians? Obamas’ latest words to $1.38 trillion deficit - I’m quoting "we’ll move forcefully to get deficits under control ONCE the nations’ recession has ended!" Really? His extravagant spending habits aren’t going to end and neither is recession until Taxpayers hand out pink slips!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Politicians shrinking Social Security Payments

America and ‘Heartbeat of America’ - textile and furniture manufacturing businesses making and selling their goods; therefore, being able to buy homes, cars, and food for their families. Politicians took this away from hard-working Taxpaying Americans with their ‘Free Trade’, stating America would become a service country. Really, the only servicing being done now is unemployment, social and welfare offices! Are Taxpayers getting any benefits from this type governing?
"We need affordable, accessible healthcare for all!" and "Do something for people who are uninsured" make Taxpayers wonder why these people, writing these articles, don’t get together and charge everyone $100.00 to attend a meeting and do something constructive; that is, you could take out a good health insurance plan and look after yourselves, as this is the only way it’s going to happen, because America is bankrupt or haven’t you noticed!
Politicians "Do as we say, not as we do" is quite evident in townhall meetings! They’re not interested in me, you nor our comments!
I, personally, was "forced" to take Medicare and their drug plan’ (real jokes). I was happy with my private insurance plan and the deductible. Prior to politicians’ mess, doctor visits were less. The politicians stated "I had to do it their way or else!" Needless to say, I wasn’t a happy camper! Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare disaster, and anything else the politicians can drum up to take your money is very scary! 'Explanation of Benefit' a recent statement I received regarding this government rip off! My Doctor billed for $233.00, Medicare paid $76.20, private carrier paid $19.05! Can you see the problem here? Office visits, paid for by me, the patient, at $50.00, the doctors would be getting a lot more money, less papework, and government wouldn’t have access to all your records, which, incidentally, can be used against you - in case you didn’t know!
In plain English, Taxpayers would be better off with their own insurance and their own money! If I were a doctor, I’d be sitting on the front steps of all politicians until they went back to ‘pay as you go’, thus saving trillions of dollars! Better yet, Taxpayers should set up, with a good, honest insurance company, and manage a Insurance Trust for doctors and hospitals, interest bearing Fund (at a bank that didn’t take TARP money), have all Americans pay $100.00 each month for each person, and this way, everyone can be insured, pay their ‘fair share’, and cut out the stealing by the ‘blood-sucking ticks’. In the old days, when integrity, honesty and respest stood for something people paid their own way, paid their own doctors and hospitals, and America wasn’t bankrupt then! I wonder why?
"Millions face shrinking Social Security Payments" todays’ headlines! Politicians robbed the system to pay for all social and welfare programs, which, of course, these people weren’t entitled.
Folks, can’t you see that Taxpayers are paying for all the extra offices, the trips, the lunches, the fine healthcare, etc. for politicians, while we’re doing without?
America is now an enslaved nation with trillions of dollars in debt and all because of deceit and greed. I’m quoting John Adams - "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt." Surely, you remember history and the Dictator that said "We’ll destroy America and never lift a finger!" If this doesn’t wake you up, nothing will!
At no time have Taxpayers heard the words "We, the politicians, in order to pay off trillions we borrowed without Taxpayers consent, are going to reduce our benefits, salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly!"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Healthcare & Politicians Lies and Deceit

This appeared in High Point Enterprise newspaper 8/12/09. Bob Blakeneys’ article called ‘Bush Deficits’ makes Taxpayers wonder why he didn’t go back to the Kennedy/Carter Administration to get the true figures, when politicians started give-a-ways, handouts, giving illegitimates Taxpayers’ checks they weren’t entitled to, social and welfare programs creating the bankrupting of America! Sad that Blakeney doesn’t want to acknowledge that people, of all races and party affiliations, created these social ills which date way past 2002!
There are many ‘long arms’ of government, created by politicians deciding they could deceive Taxpayers into thinking they were actually creating jobs. Didn’t it occur to anyone this way politicians could get bigger salaries, bonuses, and retirements? Looks like it worked, because the politicians convinced the furniture businesses they could make more money with cheaper overseas labor. Nafta and Cafta got put into action in a hurry, just like everything else politicians have their fingers in! Didn’t it occur to businesses it would cost more to ‘ship back and forth’ thus costing millions for products? Politicians stated America could become a ‘service country!’ America is servicing, alright, the Employment Security Office, Social and Welfare programs, and with no manufacturing jobs in site, where’s the money?
Taxpayers want no part in Healthcare or anything else the politicians have their greedy fingers in. Read the 1018 pages! Taxpayers will pay dearly for this radical and socialist mess.
If you want to see what the ‘blood-sucking tics’ really are, look at Freedie, Fannie, AIG, Citi, Automakers, now GM, and anyone taking Taxpayers money, and their lies and deceit!
WHAT WILL BE IN TAXPAYERS’ WALLETS BY 2010?’ Absolutely nothing as all the politicians are doing is ‘borrowing from Peter to pay Paul’ and this, folks, is going to leave America more than trillions in debt to foreigners, ordinary Taxpayers will be in the ‘Poor House’, with no money to buy seeds to plant a garden to feed themselves.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Government must be cut by 90%

Taxpayers can always tell the people who've owned a business! The politician bunch think by hiring all these people (to CYA) they're creating good things when the only thing they're creating is more debt load for the Taxpayers and loss of American stability. These people shouldn't be entitled to anything in health care or anything else that Taxpayers have had to work so hard for. The bailouts of AIG (& rest) prove this point and this is why they bailed out to protect themselves, while sending a $300.00 stimulus check to the Taxpayer making him think "we're still working for you!" Never have I seen such a bunch of criminals. Madoff doesn't hold a light to them-he just got caught! Instead of seeing all the old manufacturing buildings vacant and boarded up, isn't it about time to board up the fancy government buildings and send these people to the very foreign country they sold America to, taking all their assets to pay off the trillions of dollars, they've borrowed without Taxpayers consent! If you're a Taxpayer, you should be fed up with Obama, his administration and bragging about his healthcare! His favorite “This Healthcare isn't about me. I have great insurance and so does every member of Congress.” Wouldn't you, as a Taxpayer, wonder why politicians have better healthcare,doctors, salaries, and retirements? If American Taxpayers are smart, they'll go back to “Pay as you go” system for medical expenses, insurance, and everything else, that includes stopping politicians and insurance companies from taking your last penny! “If you don't work, have never paid social security, live off social and welfare programs, why should you receive anything that Taxpayers have worked for?” America doesn't need bigger government nor anything else controlled by a radical and socialist government, let alone National Healthcare! ‘Fair Tax', to include property taxes, and ‘pay as you go' for doctors and hospitals, would cut theft and tons of useless paperwork. Trillions would be saved! At no time have Taxpayers heard the words “We, the politicians, in order to pay off trillions we borrowed without Taxpayers consent, are going to reduce our benefits, salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly!” This is one actual insurance/government billing. Check out your ‘Explanation of Benefit' regarding Medicare and your private insurance. If your doctor billed for $233.00, Medicare paid $76.20, and your private carrier said it was OK to pay $19.05, this should tell you about hidden costs? The following was sent to me and I'm sending it along! ===================================================================================== IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU ARE REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT! Take Social Security for instance! "I HEREWITH FIRMLY STATE THAT I WILL NOT VOTE FOR ANY POLITICIAN, REGARDLESS OF THE OTHER ISSUES, IF HE DOES NOT SPONSOR AND SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING LEGISLATION. THAT INCLUDES EVERYONE STANDING FOR NEXT ELECTION. LET US SHOW OUR LEADERS IN WASHINGTON "PEOPLE POWER" AND THE POWER OF THE INTERNET. . and GET A BILL STARTED TO PLACE ALL POLITICIANS ON SOCIAL SECURITY, CUT THEIR SALARIES AND RETIREMENTS TO $12,000.00 YEARLY. You see, Social Security benefits were not suitable for persons of their rare elevation in society. They felt they should have a special plan for themselves. So, many years ago they voted in their own benefit plan. In more recent years, no congressperson has felt the need to change it. After all, it is a great plan, but just for them spending more and more ot Taxpayers money. For all practical purposes their plan works like this: When they retire, they continue to draw the same pay until they die. Except it may increase from time to time for cost of living adjustments.. For example, Senator Byrd and Congressman White and their wives may expect to draw $7,800,000.00 (that's Seven Million, Eight-Hundred Thousand Dollars), with their wives drawing $275, 000.00 during the last years of their lives. This is calculated on an average life span for each of those two Dignitaries. Younger Dignitaries who retire at an early age, will receive much more during the rest of their lives. Their cost for this excellent plan is $0.00 NADA..! ZILCH... This little perk they voted for themselves is free to them. You and I pick up the tab for this plan. The funds for this fine retirement plan come directly from the General Funds; "OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK "! From our own Social Security Plan, which you and I pay (or have paid) into, every payday until we retire (which amount is matched by our employer). We can expect to get an average of $1,000 per month after retirement. It's time to "Jerk the Golden Fleece Retirement Plan from under the Senators and Congressmen!" Put them into the Social Security plan with the rest of us Then sit back.... And see how fast they would fix it. It would be changed within the day! America is now an enslaved nation with trillions of dollars in debt and all because of deceit and greed. I'm quoting John Adams - “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt.” Surely, you remember history and the Dictator that said “We'll destroy America and never lift a finger!” If this doesn't wake you up, nothing will!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


If American Taxpayers are smart, they’ll demand to go back to "Pay as you go" system for medical expenses, insurance, and everything else, that includes stopping politicians and insurance companies from taking the last penny from you!
Taxpayers don’t really care about your party affiliation; therefore, the article under HPE Guest Column 6/28/09 "GOP Health plan doesn’t address real issues" I’m quoting ‘Then maybe there wouldn’t be 45 million uninsured in America!’ According to statistics, population shows approximately 305 million Americans, subtract the 45 million (that’s mentioned in article) - which is 15% of us, right, with no health insurance. This leaves 255 million, or 85%, with insurance; therefore, as usual, something doesn’t add up.
America doesn’t need anything else controlled by a radical and socialist government, let alone National Healthcare! ‘Fair Tax’, to include property taxes, and ‘pay as you go’ for doctors and hospitals, would cut theft and tons of useless paperwork. Trillions would be saved by Taxpayers for their own families!
At no time have Taxpayers, that have a job at present, heard the words "We, the politicians, in order to pay off trillions we borrowed without Taxpayers consent, are going to reduce our salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly, which would benefit America!"
This is one actual insurance/government billing. Stop and wonder "Where’s the money" for this joke of a healthcare for all? ‘Explanation of Benefit’ in which Medicare and your private insurance, which you pay, in addition to what little they pay out for you to your doctors after you’ve paid big bucks. If your doctor billed for $233.00, Medicare paid $76.20, and your private carrier said it was OK to pay $19.05, I don’t suppose it will ever occur to receivers that this type ‘welfare program’ is OK. May articles have been written that Social Security/Medicare paid dearly for people’s care, including gastric bypass (which one could start by pushing their chair away from table) which they couldn’t afford, including the Viagra, Cialis, Intense, and TV Programs telling the world about your sex life! "If you don’t work, have never paid social security, why should you receive anything that Taxpayers have worked for?"

Being self employed, never accepting any type government/grant money, and remembering when insurance became Mandatory started myself and my employees to thinking ‘if our insurance was running $100.00 month for a family of three (3)’, what would it be when we had to start paying the insurance companies to handle paperwork for government/politicians, illegitimates, social and welfare programs and anything else that was forced on Taxpayers and small business owners! Well, now we know, don’t we?"
I’m quoting John Adams - "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt." America is now an enslaved nation with trillions of dollars in debt and all because of deceit and greed. Surely, you remember history and the Dictator that said "We’ll destroy America and never lift a finger!" If this doesn’t wake you up, nothing will!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cutting Politicians from Insurance & Businesses

‘Pair ready to tackle health care overhaul’, states Ms. Sebelius and Ms. DeParle! Why haven’t they already ‘overhauled’ this system! They’ve been around the DC block a time or two! Taxpayers say ‘thanks, but no thanks!’ These seasoned politicians know it won’t work. They have too much time on their hands. It’s obvious this led Freddie, Fannie, HUD, AIG, Automakers, and anyone else taking Taxpayers’ money, for endless money pits, into bankruptcy!
It’s time to go back to the ‘pay as you go’ for doctors and hospitals! ‘Fair Tax’, to include property, should be top priority! Everyone must pay their share, including politicians! Otherwise, it’s ‘Discrimination against Taxpayers!’
Politicians salaries and retirements should be cut to $12,000.00 yearly! If this isn’t acceptable, then Taxpayers will sell them a one-way ticket to the foreign country they sold America to, take assets to pay the trillions they’ve borrowed without Taxpayers’ consent! After bankrupting America, these are the only options; unless, of course, they prefer to be sent to Guantanamoas some politicians are no better than the ones sitting in prisons; therefore, along with rest of killers, rapists, and thieves, of all races, this is where they need to be!
"Putting the cart before the horse"! When politicians took over, the Moonshiners’ stills, for the revenue of course, started bottling, selling the booze, locking you up for drinking it, and furnishing a tax-paid attorney, clothes, medicine, and food. Exorbitant costs and an endless money pit for Taxpayers, wouldn’t you say? Politicians, now, want to build infrastructures without having textile and manufacturing jobs in America! Another ‘Cart before the horse’ hair-brained scheme!
Taxpayers want Obama to live up to his stated ‘he’d go over line by line and eliminate the endless money pits!’ Well, what’s he waiting for?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cut Politicians Salaries & Retirements to $12,000.00 yearly

At no time have Taxpayers, that have a job at present, heard the words "We, the politicians, in order to pay off trillions we borrowed without Taxpayers consent, are going to reduce our salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly!
I’m quoting John Adams - "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt." America is now an enslaved nation with trillions of dollars in debt and all because of deceit and greed. Surely, you remember history and the Dictator that said "We’ll destroy America and never lift a finger!"
Redistributing the wealth has been tried for decades. Didn’t work then, won’t work now! ‘Fair Tax’, to include property taxes, must take place! It’s time to stop ‘Discriminating against Taxpayers!’ For decades, politicians, their exorbitant spending, greed, deceit, and bad judgement, has banktupted social security! SSI won’t be fixed as long as it’s given to illegitimates and others who don’t work! If you can call social security a retirement account, it belonged only to retired, hard-working people. Tent city or Guantanamo comes to mind when Taxpayers think of politicians and their disregard for the hard-working person! Isn’t it time to send these ‘fat cat politicians/criminals’ away so they’ll know what it’s like to grow their own food, work to eat and have nothing left over!
America doesn’t need anything else controlled by a radical and socialist government, let alone National Healthcare! It looks like folks need to go back to ‘pay as you go’ for doctors and hospitals, cutting theft and hype. Trillions would be saved by Taxpayers for their own families!
hile I’m on a roll, Taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for Viagra, Cialis, new ‘intense’ for women, gastro surgery, and illegitmates, let alone TV ads! Common sense has gone ‘bye-bye!’

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ideas for Obama's "Tightening governments' Belts"

Dear President Obama,
You’ve asked for ideas to tighten governments’ belts! Taxpayers, the few that have jobs left, would like to bring several critical issues to the table that would be a beginning to paying off trillions of dollars, borrowed without Taxpayers’ consent, and put America back on track by 2035, if put into place immediately!
Government should start running like a business; that is, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a few good people that work, rather than sitting around occupying a seat and burning up dollars America doesn’t have! Its’ obvious, some of these greedy politicians have too much time on their hands and this is why the country has gotten in such dire need of change! Layoffs and job cuts have to be done! Its’ time to cut politicians salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly! Or better yet, take all politicians assets, pay off all the trillions they’ve borrowed and sell them a one-way ticket to the foreign countries they’ve sold America to! At no time have Taxpayers heard the words "we, the politicians that’s driven America into bankruptcy, will cut our salaries and retirements!"
What an insult to the small business owners, working and struggling to make ends meet while politicians continue towards the bankrupting of America! In the business world, salaries, benefits and jobs are being cut; therefore, its’ time for cuts and layoffs in all phases of government, beginning with ‘our public servants’, that to date, have been servicing themselves and not for Americas’ benefits!
Politicians created Nafta and Cafta, taking Americans’ jobs and stability, and caused a huge breakdown in society! Without textile and furniture manufacturing jobs, how would anyone be able to afford housing, furniture, clothes, autos, or anything else. It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out brains stopped working - greed took over! Therefore, instead of government bailouts, handouts, Freddie, Fannie, HUD, AIG, Banks, Automakers, or any company in bed with government and politicians, these ‘endless money pit programs’ should be cut completely out, as so many of these ‘politically motivated useless departments’ have never worked! It’s real chaos for America! 1977 started the downhill trend of spending, by all politicians, for social and welfare programs, and it has now put America in jeopardy! All these programs, including non-profit organizations, should be stopped immediately!
Beginning with the cutting of aforementioned critical issues, 'Fair Tax', to include property taxes, should follow, as everyone that wants to be a responsible and constructive American must pay their fair share of taxes, and stop making it the burden of the cash-straped homeowner thats’ barely getting by, since government intervention!
Until government and politicians change their ‘tax and spend’ bad habits, step up to the plate and take responsibility for the bad debts created by you, ‘you’re not solving the problem’ - ‘you are the problem!’

Monday, March 30, 2009

Taxpayers, Social, Welfare & Obama's Campaign

Folks, the Change, needed for hard-working Taxpayers, that have a job at present, ‘ain’t gonna happen’ unless you let the politicians know you’re fed up with what they’ve done to destroy America and America’s future!’ Obama’s ‘deceit and hype’, his bigger and greedy administration, will, unfortunately, finish bankrupting America! Taxpayers, of all races, just thought they were fed up with the Bush Administration! They’re totally fed up with the Obama administration! Have people been fools or what? Obama’s well-written speeches made some of his voters believe he was the only real man to be President, but, after only a couple months on job, Taxpayers know better as he should have decided the Number #1 priority should be, cutting politicians salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 a year, for their less than one month of public service. ‘Fair Tax’, to include property taxes, should have been another top priority to cut spending. Wouldn’t this have been the right thing for him to do, instead of talking about all the things he’s going to do, thus, costing trillions more!"
Obama promised to redistribute wealth! In other words, raising taxes on highest income earners who are private business owners! By allowing this to happen would mean ‘no more jobs!’ Raising taxes, increasing government spending, allowing more power to his administration, and the creation of more massive government bureaucracies, during these depressed times, will accomplish the socialist’s goal! Guess what, folks, these socialist and radical changes will come back to haunt America for generations.Your children and grandchildren don’t stand a chance!
It was one thing for Obama to campaign for almost two years, spending millions of dollars that’s needed for America’s debt and the homeless, rather than him trying to prove he’s ‘the man’! Do you think Taxpayers money, coming from social and welfare programs, should have been used for Obamas’ campaign? Do you still think Obama is working for America’s best interest?
For several decades, Taxpayers know politicians, of all races, are somewhat responsible as they should have stopped the ‘tax and spend’ politicians, long ago, and put an end to ‘social and welfare programs’, ‘non-profit organizations’, ‘handouts’, ‘bailouts’, committees, sub-committees, this board and that board, and any other organization that take any amount of Taxpayers’ money. Let’s take a look at how some of these socialist and radical programs took place.
1977 - Community Reinvestment Act. Remember the Carter admininstration. Along came the Clintons. At that time, the Democratic Congress intimidated banks and other financial institutes into making sub-prime loans to high-risk buyers. Therefore, Mr. Obama, you can stop telling Americans that ‘you inherited the trillion dollar deficit from Mr. Bush’, as people who actually work and pay taxes, know you’re lying. The ones who live off social and welfare programs shouldn’t have been pushed into thinking they could have the American dream without working for it and frankly, couldn’t care less as long as the illegitimates keep coming along with the monthly checks they’re not entitled to!
2000-2008 -Taxpayers remember when Barney Frank, Meeks, Waters, Dodd (just to name a few) vouched for Freddie and Fannie stating "We don’t have a crisis and there’s nothing wrong!" Taxpayers knew better. Even the homeless person on the street knew better! What does this tell you?
Obama, Geithner, Frank, Waters, Dodd, Reid, Clinton, Pelosi, Kennedys, Raines, Howard, and Johnson, (just to name a few) ‘vouch for each other, lie and are still collecting a salary they’re not entitled to!’ Raines, Howard, and Johnson, you know, part of the Fannie/Freddie groups, who walked away with 20-90 million dollar parachutes! Taxpayers wonder how many millions politicians received?
By the way, don’t politicians have some nerve saying that ‘stronger government regulatory power is essential and broader powers are needed by them?’ This may be shocking to you, but you’re absolutely not entitled to what power you have now and Taxpayers would be fools to let you finish bankrupting America after what some of you have done to this country!
2009 - Politicians are now pushing infrastructures stating "America’s Highways, bridges, water, sewer plants need money, manpower and a new vision!" A few politicians have admitted these are temporary solutions. Until textile and manufacturing jobs, actually putting people back to work, are brought back to America, your ‘ideas of spending more money we don’t have’ isn’t needed! The people in these manufacturing jobs worked hard, paid taxes, bought houses, cars, furniture, and clothes, and kept the economy rolling.
From early 1970 until 2009, the automakers continued ‘making lots of cars’! Not good-made cars from America steel and components, but from plastic being sold to America for huge profits! Didn’t it occur to the ‘managers’ that since almost nothing put into this cars was made in America, that jobs would go ‘bye-bye’, as the people buying these cars were losing their jobs and stability because of Nafta and Cafta! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out, now does it?
While I’m on a roll, it’s time for AIG, Freddie, Fannie, several banks and investments firms, GM, Chrysler, and others taking Taxpayers money, to file bankruptcy, immediately, as they all need to learn how to run a business, keep up with the times, and stop the politicians and their buddies from taking control of Americans and their businesses!
Just think Obama is now stating ‘maybe, his new spending of almost another four trillions will be partially paid off by 2012!’ With What? Oh, I almost forgot, 2012 is election year!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Politicians and CEOS Defend Workers & Bonuses

Taxpayers keep hearing , from politicians and CEOS', "that all the
high-dollar employees are needed to insure we maintain the skills
and experience we need to keep the companies operating" - well,
folks, here's a news flash for you! Had these employees been
competent, worked long hard hours (and I do mean productive working)
and with any skills and experience, at all, Freddie, Fannie, AIG,
BIG 3, Banks, and anyone else taking Taxpayers money, America
wouldn't be broke and in such dire straits! Since the Politicians
like Frank, Ms. Waters, Rangel, Pelosi, Reid, Geithner, just to name
a few, have all been in on these 'scams' from the 'get-go', and this
is why they all stick together like most thieves do! When borrowing
trillions of dollars, without Taxpayers consent and knowledge,
creating Nafta and Cafta, causing Americans jobs to be sent
overseas.Bankruptcy is inevitable for ‘Freddie, Fannie, AIG, Banks,
and theBIG 3!’ The sooner the better, as America needs to get
back to basics, pay off the debt loads they created, and cut the
'hype' the Politicians and CEOS' are creating and will continue to
create if Taxpayers don't step up to the plate and say 'ENOUGH IS
ENOUGH!' It's time to run America like a private business; meaning,
President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All these
committees, departments. branches, and campaigns have gone on long
enough! It's obvious government CANNOT manage a company, let alone
run a company! Therefore, don't you think it's time to cut salaries
back to $12,000.00 yearly for the less than 30 days of Public
Servant work that's absolutely no use in America society today. Look
around at what's taking place and the total destruction they've
created in past few decades! If politicians and CEOS' don't want to
take the pay cut to $12,000.00 yearly, then it's time to sell them a
one-way ticket to the countries they've sold American out to with no
return to America! This shouldn't be a don't ask situation but tell
them situation! And another thing, bank accounts, retirements, and
all assets should be taken from these politicians and CEOS', without
having a court case, since it's obvious this is Taxpayers money. The
trillions of dollars could be paid back to foreign countries, that
was borrowed without Taxpayers knowledge and consent! They're all
guilty! CASE CLOSED! This is why they stick together! Why should
Taxpayers have to pay to protect the politicians? Come to think of
it, not one of them are royalty and certainly not important! IT'S
LOST IT'S APPEAL SEVERAL YEARS AGO! Taxpayers should demand that
Property Taxes, Public Schools, Bailouts, Bonuses,Incentives, Pet
Projects, Lobbyists, and Non-Profit groups, be eliminated. It
doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that America lacks
leadership and has been bankrupted by a bunch of greedy politicians
in suits with very deep pockets! WAKE UP AMERICA!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Politicians had a choice in stopping Bailouts

Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, stated and I’m quoting ‘We really had no choice in bailout of AIG!’ Yes, Mr. Bernanke, you did have a choice! When AIG received first bailout, why weren’t strict guidelines imposed on them; such as, NO MORE BONUSES, cut ‘CEO fat cat’ salaries, freebies, and retirements to maximum $25,000.00 year. Older employees, offer them an early retirement package! All other salaries to be cut by at least one-quarter, as a slice of the pie is better than no slice at all! Mr. Bernanke this includes you and the rest of politicians! The other option would have been to let AIG file bankruptcy so they could start over, and maybe this time they would be more concerned and knowledgeable of what it takes to run a company by tightening their pocketbooks! You see, Mr. Bernanke, bad choices is what’s put America into Bankruptcy and borrowing money from foreign countries that we can’t pay the interest on! Where’s the common sense in these matters?
Taxpayers understand Bay of Thailand is buying AIG Retail Bank Company and deal is to be completed April 2009. Since this is really Taxpayers money, will you and rest of politicians make sure AIG pay off the trillions of dollars borrowed, without Taxpayers’ consent, to foreign countries?
That brings Taxpayers to the latest for AIG’s bonuses and the statement "If we don’t pay them big bonues, they’ll sue us!" How dumb you are? It’s Taxpayers’ money, not yours to give! It’s time for for AIG, Freddie, Fannie, Banks, Automakers and anyone else standing in line taking Taxpayers money to immediately file Bankruptcy! Enough is Enough!
President Obama’s top economic advisers vigorously defends his 3.6 trillion budget! News flash for you -- "Taxpayers don’t defend this nor any of the so-called put people back to work programs, called infrastructures. I just left a meeting in which one of the ‘economic advisers’ from a bank stated he’d been in DC for a week!" I asked him why he thought America needed infrastructures if we didn’t bring textile and furniture manufacturing jobs back to America? He stated ‘they’ didn’t discuss this, just infrastructures! Remember, these large banks like Citicorp, Wachovia, etc. were bailed out! Taxpayers wonder why we’re bailing them out if politicians continue allowing the ‘economic’ idiots to advise them. He had no answers! Guess what, Mr. Economic Adviser was hoping the floor would open up and I’d fall through it! You see, all the expert politicians and economists know as much about ‘thrifty management’ as a newborn and this, folks, is the reason for Change and not Obama’s change methods, either!
There seems to be a lot of ‘experts’ in government and financial institutions with no common sense. It’s time to run America like a private business; meaning, President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All these cabinet members collecting huge salaries and benefits will have to come to an end. Taxpayers know it’s time to cut salaries to $12,000.00 yearly for all politicians. After all, these Public Servant jobs give less than 30 days of service and, in today’s world of mismanagement, deceit and greed, so this is more money than they deserve.
Why aren’t we prosecuting the people handing out Taxpayers monies and the people who’s receiving it? The reasons being very clear-who’s collecting and benefiting!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Without Manufacturing Jobs, America won't survive

"Group shifts focus to entrepreneurship"noting that UNCG starting new programs. I’m quoting "One aimed at undergraduates, and anyone with college degree!" If you take a look around, the ‘fat cats’ in government always hire these people to make statements like "We’re putting people back to work", when in essence they’re only creating bigger goverment with no stability! It’s now a proven fact, you can get all the degrees you want, but without ‘common sense’, ‘getting your hands dirty’, and actually working in a business from sweeping the floors to answering the phones (I do mean answering phones when they ring), you’re backing up! It’s going to take more than talent! Hard labor and long hours come to mind. Looking like you just stepped off the front page of a magazine won’t be happening, so get over it!
I’ve written many articles over the years about the Heartbeat of our America! Until Textile and Manufacturing jobs are brought back to America there’s absolutely no need for government, let alone bigger government, as these were the ‘working with your hand jobs’ that used to be the backbone and stability of our country.
Let’s look at economics, my way! Fast Foods, Donut & Coffee Shops, Bars, Saloons and many more come to mind (service oriented, not manufacturing anything), but I’m trying to make a point! Leases/Rents, furnishings, heat, lights, water, and licenses/permits have to be paid whether you get a business up and running in 3-5 years or not. Just opening the doors to public, ordering food or supplies for your new business cost money. After all, there’s only so much you can charge for a cup of coffee, donut, biscuit, and manicure! This is why the overhead of these type businesses will never be profitable!
Let’s see if I can explain this further! Our forefathers worked long, hard hours using their hands, horses and crude tools. Raising and pulling cotton to put clothes on their backs, curtains, and later provide material coverings for furniture (that we no longer have in America). Using hoes and mules to provide gardens. Raising cows, hogs and chickens to provide for their families. The new type American thinks all they have to do is get a degree so they don’t have to get their hands dirty! Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but that degree is a piece of paper, and if you have acquired none of the traits, used by your grandparents and great grandparents, you’re useless in America!
The Amish Community should always be proud that they’ve maintained a world, filled with the best of everything, and to know that they’ve done all they do without destroying our earth! America needs more Amish folks and less Al Gores and big government!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Folks, if you care about America and it's future, you'll fight this latest Stimulus Package by staying in touch with the politicians who are supposed to be working for Americans! Guess what, they're only working for themselves. Their pockets are very deep and these 'fat cats' are very greedy!
I just pulled up the following, which is Obama-Biden trillion dollar proposed budget, added already to our trillions of dollars of debt, and counting, due foreign countries! Guess what’s going to happen to America when interest isn’t paid on these notes?
The heading - ‘THREE FACTS ABOUT OBAMA AND POVERTY!’ Surely, this is a joke? Taxpayers know this is beginning of Obama and the ‘tax and spenders’ final icing on cake for Bankrupting America! All the trillions now owed was started when social, welfare and housing programs were created; thus, stopping the illegitimates from doing nothing, but lying around, having more illegitimates. ANYONE LISTENING? Illegitimates are creating ‘TERRORISM ON AMERICAN SOIL’ and ‘Obama-Biden and Tax and Spenders’ want to INCREASE AND ADD TO SAME PROGRAMS? My God, where’s the sanity in this?
It’s obvious this document/proposal was written by someone who is’unfamiliar and untrained’ as all of this ‘proposal’ is written into laws, and under several Departments! A couple really come to mind: Department of Housing and Urban Development and Department of Social Services, as this is where all the illegitimates gather to collect money they’re not entitled to!
This hyped-up document/proposal cost Taxpayers lots of money and is useless as a lot of the politicians trying to use ‘Scare Tactics’ and Taxpayers no longer are listening! It looks like these ‘fat cats’ will do and say anything to get this ‘Stimulus’ package passed for their very deep pockets! If you are a Taxpayers, don't you wonder wny?

Take a very close look at the last paragraph: RE: Illinois - and to think, Illinois has been receiving millions for several years, and they're broke because of the 'same social, welfare, and housing programs, already on books, and they're trying to send them through again! Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this illegitimate mess has bankrupted America and they want to put America under now!
The following Obama-Biden ‘hyped-up’ proposal should be read very carefully to see how politicians can ‘twist and turn words’ for their benefits. Taxpayers are now paying close attention to what’s affecting their homes, their jobs, and their stability!
a.. Barack Obama will expand access to jobs: Obama and Biden will invest $1 billion over five years in transitional jobs and career pathway programs that implement proven methods of helping low-income Americans succeed in the workforce.
b.. Make work pay for all Americans: Obama and Biden will increase benefits for working parents, raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011, and provide tax relief to low- and middle-income workers.
c.. Support rural and urban areas: Obama and Biden will invest in rural small businesses, improve rural schools, and attract more doctors to rural areas. And they will work with urban leaders to increase the supply of affordable housing and address the unique challenges of every metropolitan area.
In this Section:
a.. Expand Access to Jobs
b.. Make Work Pay for All Americans
c.. Strengthen Families
d.. Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing
e.. Tackle Concentrated Poverty
More on Poverty:
a.. Watch More Videos
b.. Read the Plan
c.. Read the Plan to Fight Hunger
d.. Read the Urban Poverty Speech
Present your ideas:
Speak your mind and help set the policies that will guide this campaign and change the country.
Plan to Combat Poverty:
The Problem Poverty Rising: There are over 37 million poor Americans. Most Americans living in poverty work, but still cannot afford to make ends meet.
Minimum Wage is Not Enough: Even when a parent works full-time earning minimum wage and EITC and food stamps are factored into their income, families are still $1,550 below the federal poverty line because of the flat-lined minimum wage.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Plan:
Expand Access to Jobs:
a.. Help Americans Grab a Hold of and Climb the Job Ladder: Obama and Biden will invest $1 billion over five years in transitional jobs andcareer pathway programs that implement proven methods of helping low-income Americans succeed in the workforce. b.. Create a Green Jobs Corps: Obama and Biden will create a program to directly engage disadvantaged youth in energy efficiency opportunities to strengthen their communities, while also providing them with practical skills in this important high-growth career field.
c.. Improve Transportation Access to Jobs: As president, Obama will work to ensure that low-income Americans have transportation access to jobs. Obama will double funding for the federal Jobs Access and Reverse Commute program to ensure that additional federal public transportation dollarsflow to the highest-need communities and that urban planning initiatives take this aspect of transportation policy into account.
d.. Reduce Crime Recidivism by Providing Ex-Offender Supports: Obama and Biden will work to ensure that ex-offenders have access to job training, substance abuse and mental health counseling, and employment opportunities. Obama and Biden will also create a prison-to-work incentive program and reduce barriers to employment. Make Work Pay for All Americans
a.. Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit: Obama and Biden will increase the number of working parents eligible for EITC benefits, increase the benefits available to parents who support their children through child support payments, increase benefits for families with three or more children, and reduce the EITC marriage penalty, which hurts low-income families.
b.. Raise the Minimum Wage to $9.50 an Hour by 2011: Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that people who work full time should not live in poverty. Even though the minimum wage will rise to $7.25 an hour by 2009, the minimum wage's real purchasing power will still be below what it was in 1968. As president, Obama will further raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit to make sure that full-time workers can earn a living wage that allows them to raise their families and pay for basic needs such as food, transportation, and housing - things so many people take for granted.
c.. Provide Tax Relief: Obama and Biden will provide all low and middle-income workers a $500 Making Work Pay tax credit to offset the payroll tax those workers pay in every paycheck. Obama and Biden will also eliminate taxes for seniors making under $50,000 per year. Strengthen Families
a.. Promote Responsible Fatherhood: Obama will sign into law his Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families Act to remove some of the government penalties on married families, crack down on men avoiding child support payments, and ensure that payments go to families instead of state bureaucracies.
b.. Support Parents with Young Children: Obama and Biden will expand the highly-successful Nurse-Family Partnership to all 570,000 low-income, first-time mothers each year. The Nurse-Family Partnership provides home visits by trained registered nurses to low-income expectant mothers and their families.
c.. Expand Paid Sick Days: Today, three-out-of-four low-wage workers have no paid sick days. Obama and Biden support guaranteeing workers seven paid sick days per year. Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing
a.. Supports Affordable Housing Trust Fund: Obama has supported efforts to create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund to develop affordable housing in mixed-income neighborhoods.
b.. Fully Fund the Community Development Block Grant: Obama and Biden will fully fund the Community Development Block Grant program and engage with urban leaders across the country to increase resources to the highest-need Americans. Tackle Concentrated Poverty
a.. Establish 20 Promise Neighborhoods: Obama and Biden will create 20 Promise Neighborhoods in areas that have high levels of poverty and crime and low levels of student academic achievement in cities across the nation. The Promise Neighborhoods will be modeled after the Harlem Children's Zone, which provides a full network of services, including early childhood education, youth violence prevention efforts and after-school activities,to an entire neighborhood from birth to college.
b.. Ensure Community-Based Investment Resources in Every Urban Community: Obama and Biden will work with community and business leaders to identify and address the unique economic development barriers of every major metropolitan area. Obama and Biden will provide additional resources to the federal Community Development Financial Institution Fund, the SmallBusiness Administration and other federal agencies, especially to their local branch offices, to address community needs.
c.. Invest in Rural Areas: Obama and Biden will invest in rural small businesses and fight to expand high-speed Internet access. They willimprove rural schools and attract more doctors to rural areas. And they will implement a bold climate change and energy independence plan that will revitalize rural America through new investments in renewable energy production, including wind, solar and biofuel investments. Barack Obama's Record
a.. Tax Relief for Low-Income Working Families: Obama created the Illinois Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income working families in 2000 and successfully sponsored a measure to make the credit permanent in 2003. The law offered about $105 million in tax relief over three years.
b.. Housing: In the Illinois State Senate, Obama championed multiple pieces of legislation to help low-income families find adequate affordable housing.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

What Happens to America when Interest isn't Paid?

‘Have we priced ourselves off the earth?’ At the time I wrote that article, the deficit was millions!’ Now it’s trillions, owed to foreign countries, and doesn’t seem to bother the politicians! Anyone know what’ll happen to America when interest isn’t paid?
That article and this one isn’t about Democrats or Republicans it’s about government spending, cutting politician’s salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly! This is only way America will survive!
Textile and furniture manufacturing companies must be brought back to America creating jobs. No need for "infrastructures" if there’s no manufacturing jobs!
Taxpayers fear the word ‘Stimulus’! Will this money, that America doesn’t have, stop workers from losing jobs, "ABSOLUTELY NOT"! It’s only putting America further into debt and destroying the chances of our children becoming productive citizens.
‘Fair Tax’, to include property taxes, should be top priority! This would enable folks to put their children into good Christian Schools to stop the moral decline! Another top priority would be eliminating social and welfare programs, bailouts, handouts and government positions!
Taxpayers have yet to see politicians seriously think about America’s Future! What kind of people are behind these ‘stimulus’ packages, that’s doing more harm than good?
Taxpayers cannot save the world from the fat cats like Freddie, Fannie, AIG, Big Three, and anyone else that’s taking money they’re not entitled to, but Taxpayers, who have jobs at present, will soon have to make a decision, themselves, whether to pay taxes or put food on their tables! What happens to your big salaries, bonuses, freebies, and retirements then?
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know it’s now obvious that America can’t survive by borrowing from Peter to pay Paul! While I’m on a roll, Liberal means "generous, favorable to
progress or reform", but not with any politicians money! WAKE UP AMERICA!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Make Tax Cuts Lean and Mean

"Make it lean and mean!" Many cuts must take place, immediately, in order for America to get out and stay out of debt! Taxpayers know Government must run like a business, if not, our children and grandchildren have no future!
Never has America witnessed such dire, financial times starting with trillions of dollars, and counting, due foreign countries, borrowed by politicians without getting approval from honest, hard-working Taxpayers they’re trying to stick the bill to! What happens to America when interest isn’t paid?
While Beverly Perdue, like others, flies to Washington, or anywhere these politicians want to go to ‘chase federal money’, instead of trying to cut programs and spending from all budgets, I’m sure doesn’t care about spending; after all, they’ve been handed blank checks with no accountability, right? Shouldn’t this be grounds for padlocking, these ‘public servants’ office doors everywhere?

Fair Tax, to include property taxes, stopping Bailouts, handouts, social and welfare programs should be top priorities! Everyone should contribute to living in America! Government’s out of control, spending billions for infrastructures, which we don’t have, is only creating bigger government. Until we bring textile and manufacturing jobs back to America, there’s no need for infrastructures!
Cutting local, state and federal politicians’ salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly is an absolute must. Even with government cuts, it’ll be year 2025 before America begins to dig out from under some of the financial disasters created by politicians and their greed!
When Taxpayers think of all the Committees being used by politicians on local, state, and federal levels, several comes to mind! ‘Ways and Means, Appropriations, Government Reform, Economics, Financial Services, Pensions, Ethics, Rules, Finance, Education’, and I think you’re getting the message! For the past five decades, wouldn’t you think that with all these committees someone honest with intregrity would have stepped up to the plate and put an end to ‘tax & spend’! Want to know why? This is how the politicians are enlarging the government payrolls, and taking Taxpayers money and jobs away! This is why Ronald Reagan made his proven fact statement and I’m quoting "Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem!"
While I’m on a roll, Inaugurations are like huge, glamourous, Hollywood parties! Politicians, not being Royalty, should foot their own parties, bills and causes? After all, it is what it is ‘A HUGE HOLLYWOOD PARTY’!