Saturday, October 10, 2009

America ruined by politicians greed and corruption

Remember the song "Step out of line and they’ll come take you away!" Definitely, should apply to politicians, lobbyists, unions, CEO’s, special interests, insurance and drug companies! PACS must be dissolved! Taxpayers know these ‘blood-sucking ticks’ can’t get elected without millions from these people who’re seeking something in return!’ Taxpayers know this is corruption! Why should Taxpayers have to pay more for their insurance and medicines, just so politicians can get elected?
Several million jobs lost, and no accountability by politicians! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out politicians have been out of line! Taxpayers are willing to sell them a one-way ticket to Gitmo, which is more than they deserve, take all their assets to pay off the trillions they’ve borrowed, without Taxpayers consent, and bid them farewell!
Why should Taxpayers be held responsible for the ‘so-called agreements and the borrowing of trillions of dollars from foreign countries made by the politicians?’
Taxpayers know that all the Committees being used by politicians on local, state, and federal levels, are just a way to hide what they’re really doing! ‘Ways and Means, Ethics, Appropriations, Government Reform, Economics, Financial Services, Pensions, Rules, Finance, Education’, I think you’re getting the message! For past five decades, wouldn’t you think that with all these committees someone honest with intregrity would have stepped up to the plate and put an end to ‘corruption and greed’ in government?
‘A real joke’ - letting the crooked politicians ‘investigate one of their own!’
Someone once said "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. Under the name of "liberalism, they’ll adopt every fragment of socialist party, until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing what happened!"
Wake up, America!

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