Saturday, October 24, 2009

Politicians are 'Takers' NOT 'Creators'

'POLITICIANS ARE TAKERS -NOT CREATORS!' THE ONLY WAY AMERICAN WORKERS WILL SURVIVE IS 'THE 'DO IT YOURSELF' WAY! READ ON!When will the American people stop trusting politicians, get off their duffs, take to their backyards, garages, basements, or spare room, and start creating clothes, furniture, toys, sell at flea markets, to neighbors, and start asking your friends and neighbors if they want to do the same!YOU'LL BE AMAZED AT WHAT YOU 'CAN DO!' GUESS WHAT, YOU CAN CREATE AMERICAN MADE GOODS AND EVENTUALLY START A SMALL COMPANY, WITHOUT GOVERNMENT. HEARTBEAT OF AMERICA WAS STARTED THIS WAY! The following article appeared in News-Record, but people are going to have to realize "Politicians are TAKERS - NOT CREATORS!''Creating jobs isn't so easy, council finds' - "City council candidates push incentives and better government! Taxpayers need to read comments by those running for local, state, and federal goverment. If making sure 'infrastructures' are in place and giving businesses more incentives is the best you can do to 'promote jobs', you're the problem, not the solution! Dell is classic of all failed infrastructures and incentives!When politicians sold America out, creating Nafta, Cafta, and foreign trade in place, they took away millions of jobs in clothing, steel and furniture!These companies were the "Heartbeat of America!" Politicians stating "America will become a Service Country"! The only thing now being serviced is unemployment, social, welfare programs, public schools, non-profits, and other unnecessary government programs that America can no longer afford!"Politicians dreaming again", if they think computers, cars and housing would be needed if there's no American manufacturing companies, putting people back to work, which produce American-made goods, selling neighbor to neighbor, thus creating stability!With trillions in debt, borrowed by politicians with very deep pockets, isn't it about time to start thinking about cutting politicians salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly? Don't you think Taxpayers have been discriminated against long enough?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Federal Deficits Soar-Local and states also soar

From 1998 until 2004, I asked the NRCC why Taxpayers couldn’t get honest answers from politicians of all affiliations. The form letters they sent in return, hand stamped, written by a staffer, made me wonder where the greedy politicians stayed all the time. It further told me that politicians had no interest in anything except their very deep pockets.
Economy never fully recovered from the 70's! Due to lack of American businesses, higher taxes, plastic cars and other overpriced consumer products, these greedy politicians should have been concentrating on America’s future. Politicians should have started cutting their salaries, retirements, taxing and spending and going over the high-dollar budgets, line by line, until everything was cut back fifty (50%) percent.
The enormous debt brought about by incompetent politicians, high salaries, retirements, social, welfare programs, and frivolous overspending should have stopped. Instead, it’s now boiled over like a run-a-way train. The only thing the greedy politicians can say is ‘I inherited this debt!’ Instead of cutting and changing what should have been done, they’re way of thinking is still ‘we’ll stimulate the economy with more bailouts and handouts’ and once the great recession ends, we’ll reduce the deficit!’ A little late, wouldn’t you say? All Economists and Taxpayers, know the politicians will never get control of the imbalances; therefore, it’s time to hand out pink slips.
I pointed out that all manufacturing jobs had to be brought back to America. We couldn’t be a ‘service country’. The only thing America is servicing is unemployment, social and welfare programs. It’s now late October 2009, and the trillions of dollars, borrowed without Taxpayers consent, is growing to the point it’s making Taxpayers think "Who’s going to own America when the interest isn’t paid?"
I further pointed out that Social Security belonged only to Taxpayers that had worked and should be their retirement! Folks, through corrupt and greedy politicians, social security has been borrowed against for illegitimates and people not wanting to work leaving nothing for the people that paid money in. Democrat and Republican Taxpayers, of all races, should be outraged by the radical and socialist proposed Healthcare. Anyone, with common sense, should have guessed that 1012 pages (unread by politicians as usual) wasn’t about Healthcare but about hidden agendas and building a bridge over the sand in the Arizona desert.
What’s really going to happen to Social Security since there’s no one working to pay into the system for future generations? Do you think the politicians are going to continue to hand you a check that you’re not entitled to?
Politicians say ‘you must volunteer and give back to your community!’ By the way, why don’t you get off your duffs and volunteer at homeless shelters and without the secret service, since this costs Taxpayers. While I’m on a roll, you could also donate eleven (11) months of your salaries and retirement benefits to Taxpayers that’s having to work two (2) jobs just to survive due to your incompetency!
By the way, Taxpayers ‘Pledge to Fight Socialized Medicine!’

Saturday, October 10, 2009

America ruined by politicians greed and corruption

Remember the song "Step out of line and they’ll come take you away!" Definitely, should apply to politicians, lobbyists, unions, CEO’s, special interests, insurance and drug companies! PACS must be dissolved! Taxpayers know these ‘blood-sucking ticks’ can’t get elected without millions from these people who’re seeking something in return!’ Taxpayers know this is corruption! Why should Taxpayers have to pay more for their insurance and medicines, just so politicians can get elected?
Several million jobs lost, and no accountability by politicians! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out politicians have been out of line! Taxpayers are willing to sell them a one-way ticket to Gitmo, which is more than they deserve, take all their assets to pay off the trillions they’ve borrowed, without Taxpayers consent, and bid them farewell!
Why should Taxpayers be held responsible for the ‘so-called agreements and the borrowing of trillions of dollars from foreign countries made by the politicians?’
Taxpayers know that all the Committees being used by politicians on local, state, and federal levels, are just a way to hide what they’re really doing! ‘Ways and Means, Ethics, Appropriations, Government Reform, Economics, Financial Services, Pensions, Rules, Finance, Education’, I think you’re getting the message! For past five decades, wouldn’t you think that with all these committees someone honest with intregrity would have stepped up to the plate and put an end to ‘corruption and greed’ in government?
‘A real joke’ - letting the crooked politicians ‘investigate one of their own!’
Someone once said "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. Under the name of "liberalism, they’ll adopt every fragment of socialist party, until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing what happened!"
Wake up, America!