Sunday, February 14, 2010


"Insurance Outrage", a recent article, brought me back to writing about incompetent, corrupt and greedy politicians, instead of working on my novels. I’ve written several articles about how to ‘Stop the Trillions from flowing into politicians’ pockets from insurance and drug companies!’ Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out how these ‘donations’ created such deterioration to America.
What happened to honesty, integrity, principles and respect when people had to pay their own way, their own doctors and hospitals? Let’s see, this was before decades of the incompetent, corrupt, and greedy blood-sucking ticks and their very deep pockets!
Taxpayers do you remember the ‘Heartbeat of America’ - American textile and furniture manufacturing businesses making and selling their goods; therefore, being able to buy homes, cars, and food for their families. Politicians took this away from hard-working Taxpayers with their ‘Free Trade’, stating America would become a service country. Really, the only servicing being done now is unemployment, social and welfare offices! Fair Tax’ must be put into law, making everyone a paying participant!
America is now an enslaved nation with trillions of dollars in debt and all because of deceit and greed. I’m quoting John Adams - "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt." Surely, you remember history and the Dictator that said "We’ll destroy America and never lift a finger!" If this doesn’t wake you up, nothing will!
When are Taxpayers going to hear the words "We, the politicians, are going to stop taking donations from insurance, drug companies or any company, bank or person. We intend to cut our salaries and retirements to $12,000.00 yearly, in order to reduce the trillion dollars we’ve borrowed without Taxpayers consent

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